My Menu(better late than never)!! 11/26/12-12/1/12

29 Nov

Well, I have been MAJORLY slacking on posting my weekly menus, I have done them but have not posted…Secondly, in my defense I have a ridiculously crazy schedule that doesn’t allow too much “extra” time!!  So, here’s my menu for this week, next week is stiff iffy, but I will try to do my best!!

Monday:  This one’s easy- we ate out!!  I just didn’t wanna cook!

Tuesday:  Baked Cheese Tortellini, french bread, and a salad

Wednesday:  Baked Chicken Fajitas and all the fixin’s

Thursday:  Plantation Supper  – this is something I had never had until marrying my hubby..

Friday:  Dorito Casserole and some for of side, probably rice and something else

Saturday:  Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, and Mac N Cheese

Sunday:  I don’t know yet!!!!


Have a great week!!!



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Posted by on November 29, 2012 in Uncategorized


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